
All pictures, texts, drawings and other material that are presented in Taurus Hill Observatory (THO) and Warkauden Kassiopeia (WK) webpages (including the gallery) are the property of the Warkauden Kassiopeia ry. (registered association) and the person(s) who have produced the mentioned material.

The use of the material mentioned above without the permission of the THO or WK is strictly forbidden.

The permission for using the material mentioned above can be acquired from the board of directors of the THO and WK (see detailed information from the contact us -page).

When using the material mentioned above, there must be a mention in the context about the copyright holder(s) of the material that is used. There are various ways to indicate copyrights, but the following things must be showed:

The name(s) of the photographer(s), writer(s) or author(s)
The name of the observatory. Taurus Hill Observatory (or Härkämäen observatorio in finnish context)
A sign © or the text “Copyrights” that indicates the copyright holder(s).

For example:

© John Doe and Jane Doe / Taurus Hill Observatory.
Copyrights: John Doe and Jane Doe / Taurus Hill Observatory.
© John Doe ja Jane Doe / Härkämäen observatorio.

In some cases there may not be a person or persons as a copyright holder(s). In that case there can be used a phrase where only a copyright indicator and the name of the observatory (Taurus Hill Observatory or in finnish context Härkämäen observatorio) are written.

All misuse of the material mentioned above will lead for taking measures.

Data Bank Info

Basic Information for Data Users

Taurus Hill Observatory, THO (A95) has a data bank service for all amateur and professional scientist. We are offering the data for scientific or educational use free of charge. Despite this the observatory request that the data user(s) follow some principles.

1. If the data is used in any publications (posters, articles, websites, etc.) there is an indicator that clearly shows that the data is produced by the Taurus Hill Observatory. See the detailed information about the correct way to make this from copyrights -page.

2. Before the use of the material (data bank files, etc.), please contact the observatory staff.

3. If the data user want more detailed data (for example raw pictures etc.), contact observatory staff and the data will be provided if possible.

4. If the data user has any questions, please contact us by e-mail.

The numerical data is provided in txt -format and raw pictures in FITS -format. The information about the equipment of the Taurus Hill Observatory can be found from the equipment -page.

The link to the Taurus Hill Observatory data bank can be found from the EuroPlaNet Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS).

Data Categories

At the moment Taurus Hill Observatory offer data (numerical and/or raw pictures) in the following fields of astronomy:

  • Exoplanets (overview of the observations)

Observatory has data and material from the following fields of astronomy, but it has not been published yet:

  • Asteroids (overview of the observations)
  • Supernovae (overview of the observations)
  • GRB’s (overview of the observations)
  • Comets (overview of the observations)

New data and data areas will be added in the future.

NOTE! The data that is available directly from the Taurus Hill Observatory’s pages is preprocessed from the raw pictures by the THO research team.

Search Data

The fastest way to find the wanted (numerical and/or raw picture) data and observation result, is to use of the search form.