Posts Categorized: Venus Transit 2004

Venus Transit 2004 document published.

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Taurus Hill Observatory was very active in VT2004 observing campaign that was organized by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). Now, over three years after the transit, we finally got the results in paper. You can download the paper from the address The title of the document is “Venus Transit 2004 – The Observations and […]

“The Venus Transit Experience” -meeting in Paris.

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Venus Transit 2004 -project finaly ended when some active observers met in Paris in “The Venus Transit Experience” -meeting. Pictures can be found by clicking the following link: Poster by Nyrölä observatory and Taurus Hill Observatory is behind the following link:

Venus Transit results.

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Venus Transit 2004 – Results Taurus Hill Observatorys measurements and results Taurus Hill Observatorys observing group made two separate timings about Venus transit. First one was meade with 12″ Meade LX200GPS -telescope and second one with TAL-1 and Helios Skyliner -telescopes. This research main purpose was to measure the distance between the Sun and Earth. […]