The afterglow of the GRB 151027A was observed at Taurus Hill Observatory. Photometric measurements were made with R-filter and V-filter on Tuesday 27th of October 19:11 – 20:36 Finnish time. The photometric brightness of the afterglow was 17.1 magnitude with R-filter and 17.5 magnitude with V-filter.
Posts By: Harri Haukka
Partial solar eclipse observed in Varkaus
The partial solar eclipse was observed on Friday 20.3. in Kuoppakangas school yard in Varkaus. The weather was perfect for making observations and there were over 500 visitors who saw this quite rare event live. Here are some event images and images taken with Lunt solar telescope by Esa Heikkinen. In addition there are some […]
All sky auroras 17./18.3. observed at THO
This cycles largest solar storm, a G4-class level, hit the Earth’s magnetic field 17.3. As a consequence, the whole of Finland was reflected in the huge auroras. Taurus Hill Observatory all sky camera recorded the auroras throughout the night. Here are some example pictures and the video from the night. httpvh:// Check also the auroras photographed in Tampere (Finland) by […]
Europa “overpassed” the Io
Jari Juutilainen observed Europa and Io, moons of Jupiter, 7.2.2015 18:30-01:14 when Europa “overpassed” the Io. Jari used a normal digital SLR camera for his observations. In Jari’s blog you can see the GIF animation and a bit more story about the overpass (in Finnish): Jari is a member of the THO research team.
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) photographed by THO all sky camera
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) was phographed by the THO Oculus all sky camera. The comet was so brigth that it was quite easy to spot from the photographs.
C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) 5.1.2015
THO reseach team photographed C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) on Monday 5.1.2015 18 – 23 Finnish time. Observers: Veli-Pekka Hentunen and Tuomo Salmi.
Christmas 2014 Auroras
Nice Auroras on Christmas night observed at THO. httpvh://
Fireball 23.12.2014
The fireball was observed at THO 23.12.2014 18:35 Finnish time. It seems that the fireball broke down during the descent.
Fireball collection from the THO
The Taurus Hill Observatory all sky camera has photographed several fireballs (bright meteors) in recent weeks. Here is the picture collection of the observed fireballs from the 7th of September to 16th of September.
Full sky auroras observed 13.9.
Auroras filled the sky 13.9. and luckily it was clear sky in Taurus Hill Observatory site and therefore the all sky camera managed to photograph this amazing event. A few example pictures: