Posts Categorized: Asteroids

Asteroid 3 Juno observed

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THO research team member Jari Juutilainen continued the start of the observing season 25.8.2013 by observing the asteroid 3 Juno. At the moment of the photograph the Juno was about 8,6 magnitudes bright and quite easily observed by the SLR-camera optics.  

Asteroid Iris 7 observed several times

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The nights are getting darker and darker in Finland and therefore it is possible to continue the astronomical observations after bright summer months. THO research team member Jari Juutilainen spotted and photographed the asteroid Iris 7 couple of times between 16.-25.8.2013. Picture 1: Asteroid iris 7 16.8.2013. Picture 2: Asteroid iris 7 23.8.2013. Picture 3: […]

The 2009 FH photographed by the research team

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The 2009 FH is a small stellar object. It has only a dimension of 15 meters. 2009 FH passed near the Earth 18.3.2009. Markku Nissinen and Veli-Pekka Hentunen, who are the members of the Taurus Hill Observatory research team, photgraphed this event by using the Mayhill (NM) remote observatory. Despite the 2009 FH is a very small object, it […]

Asteroid 2008 TC3 photographed at Taurus Hill Observatory.

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Despite the almost cloudy weather the Taurus Hill Observatory research team member Markku Nissinen managed to photograph the Asteroid 2008 TC3 6./7.10.2008 at Taurus Hill Observatory. This small asteroid hit the Earth atmosphere 7.10.2008 about 6 am. Finnish time somewhere over the Sudan. The 2008 TC3 was discovered 6.10.2008 with the large telescopes and it got […]

Asteroid 6 Hebe photographed at THO.

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Asteroid 6 Hebe is large asteroid that has dimensions of 205x185x170 km. Hebe was discovered by the Karl Ludwig Hencke in the year 1847. Hebe has a revolution time of 7.3 hours. THO research team photographed the Hebe with 90 sec. exposure times four times during the 28 minutes observing session. Due this time the Hebe seems […]

Asteroid 369 Aeria measured at Taurus Hill Observatory.

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Asteroid 369 Aeria is an asteroid that has a diameter about 60 km. It has about 4.787 hour revolution time. Veli-Pekka Hentunen measured asteroids lightcurve 5 hours 18 minutes at Taurus Hill Obsevatory 22./23.2.2008 21:41-02:59 (UT). Veli-Pekka used 120 sec. exposure times and a photometric filter R. The comparison star was star 0249301245 (C1) from the GSC1.2 catalog. The check star […]

Asteroid 49 Doris observed at Taurus Hill Observatory.

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Asteroid 49 Doris is a very large object. It has a diameter of 222 km and the rotation time is about 11,9 hours. At time of the measurements that were made 5./6.1.2008 at THO, the asteroid Doris was in the Lion constellation. The purpose was to measure the half of the light curve, but due […]