Asteroid 369 Aeria measured at Taurus Hill Observatory.

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Asteroid 369 Aeria is an asteroid that has a diameter about 60 km. It has about 4.787 hour revolution time. Veli-Pekka Hentunen measured asteroids lightcurve 5 hours 18 minutes at Taurus Hill Obsevatory 22./23.2.2008 21:41-02:59 (UT). Veli-Pekka used 120 sec. exposure times and a photometric filter R. The comparison star was star 0249301245 (C1) from the GSC1.2 catalog. The check star was 0249301323 (C2) from the same catalog. The sky was quite bright due the allmost ful moon. The temperature was about -1 to -5 celcius degrees. The asteroid was quite high in the southern-western sky. The third picture is combine of 30 120 sec. exposure pictures.

Observer: Veli-Pekka Hentunen