In 2024, it will be exactly 20 years since Taurus Hill Observatory began its full-scale operations. Taurus Hill Observatory got a new rough and shiny dome just before Christmas 2003, and after the turn of the year, the main telescope, the 12-inch Meade still serving Kassiopeia, was installed in the tower. This jubilee year is […]
Posts Categorized: Events
Taurus Hill Observatory has been awarded a grant from the Jenny and Antti Wihuri fund for renewing the telescope stand
Taurus Hill Observatory has been awarded a grant of 5,000 euros from the Jenny and Antti Wihuri fund for renewing the telescope stand. This grant will be used to purchase a new stand for the Meade 12″ LX200 telescope on the public viewing platform of the observatory. The original fork type of stand and its […]
THO in Europlanet Science Congress 2022 in Granada, Spain
After several years, the European planetary research community will gather at the traditional EPSC (Europlanet Science Congress) conference on September 18-23. This year, EPSC will be held in Granda, Spain, where it was originally supposed to be held already in 2020. The last two EPSC conferences have been held as remote conferences via the internet, […]
THO virtual poster in EPSC 2021 on September
EPSC, or Europlanet Science Congress, 2021 will be held online, as in the previous year. Taurus Hill Observatory observations will be presented again this time as part of the ODAA5 session on Friday, September 24th. It is not possible to present a typical scientific poster in a virtual conference, but now, for the second year […]
Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2021 will be virtual meeting – Helsinki meeting postponed to 2024
The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) is the major European meeting on planetary science. In light of the COVID-19 situation, EPSC 2021, originally planned for Helsinki, will be held as a virtual meeting. EPSC2021 is the second time that EPSC has been held as a virtual meeting. The virtual meetings are likely to play an increasingly important role in supporting […]
COVID-19 info for THO visitors
Taurus Hill Observatory visits and public events cannot take place normally due to the corona epidemic. You can visit THO, but you have to stay is outside. The observatory equipment and telescopes are not in use. The maximum group size recommendation is 12 people. Events etc. are held outside so that everyone can hear the […]
THO observations presented in EPSC 2014
Taurus Hill Observatory observations and research work is presented during the EPSC (European Planetary Science Congress) in Portugal this week. Unfortunately this time there was not possibility for any of THO research team member to be present, but Veikko Mäkelä from Astronomical association Ursa will present THO as part of the Finnish observation network poster presentation […]
V. A. Heiskanen Memorial
Professor Veikko Aleksanteri Heiskanen’s memorial was officially unveiled in the annual Sun Day event of Taurus Hill Observatory. V. A. Heiskanen’s memorial was relocated to Taurus Hill Observatory last autumn from the yard of Harjuranta School after the already closed down school was sold to a private owner. Taurus Hill Observatory was chosen a new […]