Warkauden Kassiopeia and Taurus Hill Observatory organized a “Summer Photo Contest” for the members of the Warkauden Kassiopeia during the 1.5-15.9.2011. Now the entry time for this contest has passed and the jury will judge the photos that were submitted before 15th of September. The jury will have five categories for the pictures and from each category the photo can get 0 to 5 points. So the maximum points are 25 form one judge. Due there are three judges in the jury, the overall maximum points are 75 for one picture. All contest photos will be published in THO gallery and the winning picture will be the cover picture of the next Warkauden Kassiopeia Ad Astra magazine. Also the winner get a book “Halot (Halos in English)”. Between all participants one pack of “space ice-cream” will be raffled.