Posts By: inshaukkaharri

New CCD camera for Taurus Hill Observatory

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Taurus Hill Observatory has acquired a new CCD camera. The purchase was confirmed in August 2021, when the observatorys project funding application was approved by the Mansikka ry. The observatory receives a 75% subsidy on the purchase price of the camera. The new camera is an ASI 2600MM Pro and comes with a ZWO EFW […]

Comet C / 2019 L3 (Atlas) observed 1/2.10.2021

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Comet C / 2019 L3 (Atlas) from 1/2.10.2021. The observation object changed from an exoplanet transit to a comet, because the clouds in the sky varied so much from the early night. Images from a nearly 17-year-old CCD camera are starting to have quite a lot of hot pixels, so the image becomes quite hazy. […]

THO virtual poster in EPSC 2021 on September

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EPSC, or Europlanet Science Congress, 2021 will be held online, as in the previous year. Taurus Hill Observatory observations will be presented again this time as part of the ODAA5 session on Friday, September 24th. It is not possible to present a typical scientific poster in a virtual conference, but now, for the second year […]