Posts Tagged: exoplanet

The first exoplanet transit light curve of the observation season from TOI-6034.01b

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The first exoplanet transit light curve of the observation season was taken from TOI-6034.01b. The brightness of the measured exoplanets “mother” star is 15.2 magnitude, i.e. rather dim. The darkness in Finland was just right for measuring the light curve. According to the measurement, the overpass lasted 95.0 min (vs. expected value 95.3 min) and […]

HAT-P-61b exoplanet transit observation

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HAT-P-61b exoplanet transit observation. The observed values differ quite a lot from the catalog values: the duration of the transit was 85 min (vs. 100 min) and the dimming was 17.3 mmag (vs. 10.4 mmag). The focus was done poorly and maybe the choice of reference stars was not quite right. This object has been […]

THO in Europlanet Science Congress 2022 in Granada, Spain

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After several years, the European planetary research community will gather at the traditional EPSC (Europlanet Science Congress) conference on September 18-23. This year, EPSC will be held in Granda, Spain, where it was originally supposed to be held already in 2020. The last two EPSC conferences have been held as remote conferences via the internet, […]